Hints of Ghost Hunters Grant’s Return by Jason Hawes?

An article posted today may have some insight, here it is below…

Until recently, fans have been under the impression that Grant Wilson, co-founder of TAPS and lead investigator for SyFy’s paranormal reality show Ghost Hunters, had bid the show adieu permanently. According to an interview with Jason Hawes, as reported by SciFi Mafia on Sept 5, this may not be entirely true.

During the interview, Hawes shares:

“ … I still deal with Grant daily on other things and he’s still there. He had to take a leave of absence from the show, but out families are extremely tight and we’re like brothers …”

Hawes goes on to explain that Grant has left TAPS before to pursue other interests in Utah. According to Jason Hawes, Grant was gone for a couple of years.Ghost Hunters

Grant Wilson announced his departure last spring and appeared in his final “Ghost Hunters” episode in May. At the time, there were no hints that Grant had any intention of returning to “Ghost Hunters” in the future.

A notice posted on their TAPS site indicated that Grant was leaving to pursue other interests. In an interview on “Dead Air” in July, Grant Wilson explained that he left “Ghost Hunters” to pursue other interests, like building his new business Rather Dashing Games, and gave no indication that his absence was temporary.

Whether Grant Wilson will someday return to “Ghost Hunters” is unknown at this time, but it appears that Jason Hawes views his departure as temporary

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