Ghost Hunters Grant Wilson Visits Arizona

Ghost Hunters’ Grant Wilson seen here with his Crew.

CLIFTON, ARIZONA — Greenlee County had a novel group of visitors last week, with the visit of a television production crew from Ghost Hunters Grant Wilson.

On Dec. 2, the crew hosted a taping session, named “Haunted town hall discussion,” at the Blue Door Sanctuary in Clifton, Arizona to hear from locals about the rich history of the region.

Social media posts rumored that Ghost Hunters Grant Wilson and his Crew were around town on Chase Creek Street, leading up to the event and before filming the public, The town hall announcement resulted in a line of willing participants down Park Avenue, with people hoping to get their five minutes of fame.

“I’m always watching shows like this and it’s just nice to come out and watch and listen,” local Erin Billingsley told the Copper Era in an interview where she admitted to being a fan of the show. “Yeah, I’ve watched them ever since they came out.”

“I’ve been following ‘Ghost Hunters’ since they started about 10 years ago,” said local business owner Theresa Greenwell.

“I’m here for the excitement and I’m here to add support.” said Dr. Lawrence Gaskin, who admitted that while not familiar with the show, he had grown interested in the visit by the film crew.

“Ghost Hunters” first aired on the SYFY channel in 2004, with the original show running until 2016. The show was revived again earlier this year by A&E for additional seasons, the first of which finished airing in October. The 13th season is scheduled to run in 2020.

All though no one in the town actually saw Grant Wilson, the only original cast member and main character for the Ghost Hunters show, everyone was still excited that the filming crew was there.

That did not stop excited townspeople from showing up and giving the filming crew their stories and haunting experiences needed for any up and coming TV series.

Original Article Found Here

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