Ghost Hunters ends with Syfy Channel

Did Syfy Channel just cancel Ghost Hunters?

Cryptic Social Network posts from Jason Hawes and other members of the 11 Season running reality TV show Ghost Hunters may be ending with Syfy Channel.

Here is the original post from Jason Hawes Facebook Page:

With heavy heart we want to inform everyone that we are choosing at this time to end our relationship with SyFy channel. Season 11 will be the last season we will do Ghost Hunters ‘With the Syfy Channel’. We’ve been one of their top rated and top watched shows since TAPS and Pilgrim Films decided to join forces and create the show Ghost Hunters. You all have been wonderful and your support has made the show Ghost Hunters such a huge success, As well as changing our lives in all incredible ways. There are some huge things in the works with TAPS, Ghost Hunters, Pilgrim Films and so much more. I wish I could share more with you now, But I can’t. Hopefully real soon though! I promise we will keep you all up to date with what is coming up in the near future.
Again, Thank you all for the love, respect and support.
Jason Hawes/ TAPS / Ghost Hunters
Another post from Grant Wilson may just be confirming this:
Adam Berry past cast member had this to say on his Facebook:
Wishing @ghosthunters a fond farewell. So many memories and so much adventure. Lasting 11 seasons is something to brag about! ‪#‎ontothenext‬
We can thank Jason and Grant for bringing ghost hunting much more mainstream and bringing it into the living rooms of so many households now. What will become of the cast? Was this a sign of things to come with almost all of the cast over the last year being either “released” or “left the show”.
Did Amy and Adam know something was going on when they departed the show together after ratings have been steadily in the nose-dive?
Now if you take the part the Jason posted “…last season with the Syfy Channel…”, does this mean that Ghost Hunters has been picked up by another network?
Let’s see what the next season will hold for the fans.
Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.

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