Old South Pittsburg Hospital Drama Continues [Update]

The Old South Pittsburg Hospital in Tennessee went up for IRS Auction yesterday and ended in about 30 seconds with no bids or takers.

The hospital will now go through the prosess again, but no date was announced by IRS Agents on the scene.

Stacey Hayes, (or Stacey Sivley as she has now changed her name on Facebook) was forcefully ordered to surrender any keys to the building by the Police that was on scene.

Stacey Hayes/Sivley has also changed her status as Owner of OSPH to “Manager of Ghost City Tours”

“Why is this crazy lady who has ZERO business sense, and who so blatently scammed money and deposits from people even at the auction?”, said Ernst Rudel a Private Investigator out of Georgia working on building a case for claiments. “And now she has her claws in Ghost City Tours? What a way for a company to ruin their reputation by associating with this woman.”

The drama did not stop there, an unidentified man pulled up in a vehicle, and right in front of police, starting removing items from the hospital. When confronted by police, he developed an attitude and insisted that he can take the items, that “Stacey told me I can.”

He was quickly arrested and removed from the property. See exclusive video.




Richard Klement is a reporter for GhostHuntersFans.com and Haunted Times Magazine.

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